"...the term refers to the 'refuse of all classes,' including 'swindlers, confidence tricksters, brothel-keepers, rag-and-bone merchants, organ-grinders, beggars, and other flotsam of society.'"
-Wikipedia & Marx
As you can see, the lumpenproletariat is not considered that great by Marx, or traditionally by Marxists. They are those who are outside the system, who are withouth traditional means of emplyoment. It is referred to as a "dangerous class" by Marx, not likely to be productive in the revolution. A conservative class, a class just as (or more) likely to align with the bourgoisie as with the working class. And why not? Marx & marxist have a way of really neatly explaining away contradictions in the ideology*, such as the revolutionary stance of the working class.
Among communist revolutionarys the working glass is often viewed as something inherently revolutionary. The working class is always revolutionary. A drive for revolution is a part of being working class. But how do you then explain the lack of communist revolutions in the world? After all, the working class exists everywhere. It is because the working class is being misled, you see. It is being fooled by the bourgoisie.
Now, I would say that if the working class is being misled into not being revolutionary it isn't revolutionary. But that don't really fit in with the communist/marxist world view. I would say that being workin class is being conservative, wanting things NOT to change. Out of fear, if nothing else. Why do you think Oi! (evolved out of the working class + punk) has not changed in almost 30 years, while many other forms of punk (a middle class phenomenon) has continued to evolve (in many cases evolved in to totally different genres)? Sure, all the Discharge clones can be pretty boring, but that is a very special case and a very special band. And still, they manage to either do something of their own or they rip Discharge so incredibly good that you know they do it as a specific tribute to a specific band. Another example: Sex Pistols vs. Public Image Limited. Get it?
And the lumpenproletariat... Once again, a piece of the working class that doesn't behave like it should. Therefore it is not a real part of the workin class. The working class is what the marxist decide are the working class. Simply because they, in their romantic mist, don't see the need of destroying the working class. The steps towards a revolutionary society does not include putting the working class on the top of the pyramid. The working class has (as has all people) been contiuously bred to stupidity, fed with fear and hate. The know that if things change, they will change towards the worst. Thats what it means to be working class. But not for the commies. The definition of lumpenproletariat is "those that don't fit."
The working class must be destroyed. ALL CLASSES MUST BE DESTROYED. IT IS A VICIOUS SYMBIOT, THIS SOCIETY. One cannot function without the two others. The must all burn, they must all be purged.
But for now, I can at least romanticise the outlaws, vagabonds and at least potentially free and rebellious spirits of the lumpenproletariat. Sure, their bodies are in worse dangers than mine. The may die, be beaten, used and abused, but their minds and spirits are left to their own accord to a much larger extent. I appreciate that. In my dealings with criminals (not that it happens that often) and other 'outsiders' I see a free will and an uncovered eye about what this society really is than I do in my dealings with representatives of the class system.
Marx called them "the refuse of all classes" and meant it as a derogatory term. I see it as something positive. To be refused by the classes it to be cast out for refusing to be a slave.
You are at the bottom. You have been put at the bottom because the rickety pyramid ahead of won't hold with you in it. You have a choice. Set the pyramid ablaze or build a new pyramid. Both are totally acceptable. Both are good. But you must choose, and you must see. You cannot live in the shadow and in the sewers of this tower of Babel any longer. It must burn or be deserted.
* don't get me wrong. I am a big fan of Marx and of socialism. Marx was a genious. But he wasn't right all of the time. And I should also state that several contemporary marxists use the word lumpenproletariat as simply a description of people outside the wage-labor system.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Kali Yuga
”O Kali, thou art fond of cremation grounds
So I have turned my heart into one, that thou
may dance there unceasingly.
O mother, I have no other fond desire in my
heart. Fire of a funeral pyre is burning there.”
-Ramprasad Sen
And before anyone gets any silly ideas, I know the goddess Kali has nothing to do with the demon Kali and the Kali Yuga but the linguistic confusion is quite apt, and if one where so inclined it could point one in to quite a new and interesting direction.*
* Kali (the goddess) and Kali (the demon) are two unrelated words in sanskrit meaning two different things and pronounced quite differently. More info in the links provided above.
Sleepless Death

This night didn't work out any better. My mind wouldn't stop spinning around. The nights topics was quite constructive, though (mainly it dealth with how to combine and justify the many different influences and elements my little life philosophy (a philosophy who seem to creep in to everything I do, lately. So it's kind of important that I do find justification for it all and also that I find som sort of center, some sort of schwerpunkt.) is made up of.). Still, I don't have time for that. Would have loved to fall asleep and be able to get up early instead of falling asleep really late, sleeping unsteadily and manage to oversleep my own deadline, but that didn't happen. So now I am here. In the evening. And I have done abolutely nothing constructive with this shit.
God, I got to get my act together. This stuff is due monday, and I'm working friday and saturday so I don't exactely have that much time left, now do I?
I'm so worried all this will crumble down over me.
Don't got time for this. There is work to be done! Cry havoc and let lose the dogs of war!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Deathless Sleep

I can't sleep properly. If I go to bed and I am not totally exhausted I wont fall to sleep. At least not at night, when I am supposed to sleep.
Thoughts. Pop up all the time. Quite a lot of violent thoughts. I hate bullies. Worst thing in the world. And these thoughts make it even harder to fall asleep. And then I think about other things to, of course. The don't help out that much either. Even when they are not worries of sime kind, or just worries of a general kind (the weight of the world etc.), the fuck me up. Totally worthless.
I hope tonight works out better. Forced myself to get up a bit earlier. Feeling really bad right now. Tired. The body hearts. My neck feel like it's made of broken twigs stapeled together. Still, though... Have to finish this question before I go to sleep. Should work out alright. Just basically got to find quotations to back up what I'm saying.
The Grey Wolves are really amazing right now. Noise, but not so extreme that it hurts. Noise, but not stale and boring. And they got an agenda. An agenda that I really can empathize with. You know the score.
God, if I just had a different economic situation I would contact them right away and ask if I could do some merchandise for them. Just a really limited run. It would be so brilliant.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
"and this one time, at band camp..."
Kinda feel like her some times... Never mind.
The forum I was talking about is up and running again, but all the old material is gone. Sad. But a bit catharctic.
The forum I was talking about is up and running again, but all the old material is gone. Sad. But a bit catharctic.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
My favourit internet forum has been banned. It no longer exists. Oh, the angst!
Seriously. I feel really bad. It was a great place.
Anyways. Seems like I've cleared up a lot of time for studying now.
And Death In June really rules supreme right now. More than before, actually. And it's really fun reading about people reactions to Douglas P.'s artistic adventure. Maybe taking an active artistic stance against fascism when using fascist symbolics ain't that interesting from an artistic view point. Makes the art kind of meaningless, and the project kind of pointless.
Anyways. Eff Off.
Seriously. I feel really bad. It was a great place.
Anyways. Seems like I've cleared up a lot of time for studying now.
And Death In June really rules supreme right now. More than before, actually. And it's really fun reading about people reactions to Douglas P.'s artistic adventure. Maybe taking an active artistic stance against fascism when using fascist symbolics ain't that interesting from an artistic view point. Makes the art kind of meaningless, and the project kind of pointless.
Anyways. Eff Off.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Philosophy, once again...
Did the same test I did ages ago, but I got a better score, meaning Anal Rand ended up after Freddie N. Unfortunately Hobbes ended up quite low, but I can live with that. Spinoza and Sartre ended up high and thats nice. I have quite a lot of respect for those gentlemen. I don't understand why the stoics and Aristotle got 85% and 72%, though...
1. Jean-Paul Sartre (100%)
2. Stoics (85%)
3. David Hume (84%)
4. Spinoza (74%)
5. Nietzsche (73%)
6. Aristotle (72%)
7. Kant (70%)
8. Aquinas (67%)
9. Epicureans (61%)
10. Ayn Rand (59%)
11. St. Augustine (58%)
12. John Stuart Mill (51%)
13. Ockham (50%)
14. Nel Noddings (49%)
15. Thomas Hobbes (49%)
16. Cynics (48%)
17. Jeremy Bentham (48%)
18. Plato (47%)
19. Prescriptivism (26%)
1. Jean-Paul Sartre (100%)
2. Stoics (85%)
3. David Hume (84%)
4. Spinoza (74%)
5. Nietzsche (73%)
6. Aristotle (72%)
7. Kant (70%)
8. Aquinas (67%)
9. Epicureans (61%)
10. Ayn Rand (59%)
11. St. Augustine (58%)
12. John Stuart Mill (51%)
13. Ockham (50%)
14. Nel Noddings (49%)
15. Thomas Hobbes (49%)
16. Cynics (48%)
17. Jeremy Bentham (48%)
18. Plato (47%)
19. Prescriptivism (26%)
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Apparently, I am a marxist (according to the PoliticsForum Quiz 2.0 ) To be more specific, what they had to say about me is this:
Overall, the PoliticsForum quiz considers you a internationalist, non-absolutist, controlled-market kind of person, who also seems quite Marxist.
These characteristics would put you in the overall category of Marxist.
Actually always thought of myself as more of an anarchist. One thing that made me pissed of about myself is that I seem very "neither more nor less" this-and-that. That's kind of chicken. Just do the test and you'll understand.
I also did a Moral Politics-quiz and ended up like this:
Your Score
Your scored -4.5 on the Moral Order axis and 5.5 on the Moral Rules axis. (Thats in the top left corner.).
The following items best match your score:
1. System: Socialism
2. Variation: Extreme Socialism
3. Ideologies: International Socialism
4. US Parties: No match.
5. Presidents: Jimmy Carter (75.59%)
6. 2004 Election Candidates: Ralph Nader (79.04%), John Kerry (66.20%), George W. Bush (37.42%)
And this is how I ended up with the Political Compass-quiz (Economic Left/Right: -8.12, Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.31)
Quite the pinko. Not that surprising, but marxist? I'd imagine that I had a bit more of a brown/blackshirt pair of balls than this. But hey, you can't get everyting. Feels pretty good to know that it's just a fascination of aestethics. The whole anti-capitalism stance with the far right, extreme national(social)ism and National Bolshevism gets you confused at times... I guess the only thing that makes us different is the ethnic, chauvinistic and nationalistic aspect.
And on a side note, for eventual swedish fans (I don't know if anyone is even reading this and to be quite frank (you can be ernest) I don't give a toss): Jag hatar ordbögeri, vilken sida ordbögen än står på. Om man känner att det är viktigare att verka klyftig än att faktiskt förmedla kunskap så känns innehavet av en blogg som propagandavapen ganska korkad. Tro det eller ej, men jag hatar fanimej elitism. Nevertheless, it's quite interesting reading, eventhough it reminds me a whole lote of the reviews over at anus.com. Take it anyway you like.
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