Apparently, I am a marxist (according to the PoliticsForum Quiz 2.0 ) To be more specific, what they had to say about me is this:
Overall, the PoliticsForum quiz considers you a internationalist, non-absolutist, controlled-market kind of person, who also seems quite Marxist.
These characteristics would put you in the overall category of Marxist.
Actually always thought of myself as more of an anarchist. One thing that made me pissed of about myself is that I seem very "neither more nor less" this-and-that. That's kind of chicken. Just do the test and you'll understand.
I also did a Moral Politics-quiz and ended up like this:
Your Score
Your scored -4.5 on the Moral Order axis and 5.5 on the Moral Rules axis. (Thats in the top left corner.).
The following items best match your score:
1. System: Socialism
2. Variation: Extreme Socialism
3. Ideologies: International Socialism
4. US Parties: No match.
5. Presidents: Jimmy Carter (75.59%)
6. 2004 Election Candidates: Ralph Nader (79.04%), John Kerry (66.20%), George W. Bush (37.42%)
And this is how I ended up with the Political Compass-quiz (Economic Left/Right: -8.12, Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.31)
Quite the pinko. Not that surprising, but marxist? I'd imagine that I had a bit more of a brown/blackshirt pair of balls than this. But hey, you can't get everyting. Feels pretty good to know that it's just a fascination of aestethics. The whole anti-capitalism stance with the far right, extreme national(social)ism and National Bolshevism gets you confused at times... I guess the only thing that makes us different is the ethnic, chauvinistic and nationalistic aspect.
And on a side note, for eventual swedish fans (I don't know if anyone is even reading this and to be quite frank (you can be ernest) I don't give a toss): Jag hatar ordbögeri, vilken sida ordbögen än står på. Om man känner att det är viktigare att verka klyftig än att faktiskt förmedla kunskap så känns innehavet av en blogg som propagandavapen ganska korkad. Tro det eller ej, men jag hatar fanimej elitism. Nevertheless, it's quite interesting reading, eventhough it reminds me a whole lote of the reviews over at Take it anyway you like.
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