Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Do what thou Wilt, under Love, shall be the whole of the Law.

I've been losing my need for symbols and symbolism lately. That's interesting. It makes me think that focusing problems, attitudes and the world in general through symbols and symbolism was a way of shielding myself, of protecting myself. No, wait a minute... Saying that "it makes me think..." makes it sound like I didn't know that that was what I doing. Which I both did and do know. But I used to see it as a tool, and as a pretty good tool. But what I really am starting to think now is that no matter how good of a tool it was, it's a tool that wasn't really up for this challenge. Because no matter how epressive symbols might be, they are also limiting. They are a bit like my search for an all-permeating philosophy of life. It's not just done without limiting yourself.

Somehow I must make myself realize that there is no need for me to identify with something.

I feel more provocative than I have done for a long time, but there's a more healthy feeling to it now. The feeling of wanting a swastika tattooed on my forehead just to make the world see how much I hate it is fading. Instead it is replaced by a feeling of mischief, and I like that. A feeling of being a bit wrong just to tease peoples minds in a friendly way, not to make them hate or fear. Of being a bit 'wrong' just to provoce people to think. Maybe I'll pick up the iron cross again.

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