Saturday, January 6, 2007

Don't Talk to Me

Fucking kids. And fucking parents! What's the fucking deal here? How come every fucking parent in the world treats their kids like Paris Hilton treats her dog? Spoiled fucking brats.

Kid: "Mommy! I Wan't to buy this!"

Mom: "No, sweetheart. You can't"


Mom: "But sweetheart... Mommys special little treasure... You... You can't have it."


You know what I mean. How come nobody just tells the kid "you want it? Well, you gotta pay for it. You got any money? No? Then you can't have it. Tell grandma you wan't it for your birthday."

Sorry kid. Life is hard. You are not special, no matter how much your 30+ mediaworking cow for a mommy think you are.

I hate it the other way around to. Like this dad and his kid who was buying some movies and the kid says "dad, can we buy this?" The dad replies "no, we don't have the money" while he picks up another of his art fag films (I think it was either "Aguirre" or "Cobra Verde." Two brilliant movies, btw.) and walks to the cashier. WTF? You buy a bunch of films for your self and you tell your son that you cant afford to buy Toy Story 2 for him? It's like when you are at all those disgusting city festivals and you walk by a candy store/booth (or whatever it's called in english) and some kid want a lollipop or something and the parents says "no, it's just shit and it's to expensive" but you can bet your fucking ass that the same parent is sitting around the beer tents at the end of the day drinking flat, overpriced beer from plastic glasses while the kids run around the drunkards playing with other drunkards kids. And I promise you that dad will send the kids away to the candysellers to buy some salt licorice or peanuts for him ("just shit", remember?).

Fuckers. The lot of you.

Now Playing: Don't Talk To Me - GG Allin

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