Sunday, April 8, 2007

Metal, Madness & Beyond


I'm really metal right now. :) Ok, I've had long hair for like 7 years or something, and I always wear band-shirts (usually metal bands) but I recently discovered my old leather jacket with a big POSSESSED-logo on the back. So It's leather jacket, bullet belt, bathory shirt, tight jeans, chucks and Mercyful Fate in the iPod 24/7 right now. In a strange way it feels like I'm home. Kind of strange, because I usually detest people that look too much like what they are. You know what I mean.

Other than that... Was at my familys place over the easter. Kind of sucked. Nice to spend time with my brother & sister, but I feel kind of out of place with my parents. Like we are on different islands or something. Makes me feel really different. I have always felt different, always been different, but I don't like to feel like that with my family, you know?

Plus me and my aunt followed traditions and got in to a religious fight. She can believe in all that new age hocus pocus all she wants (lord knows I have a couple of spiritual views that ain't exactely "normal"), but when she starts talking about "cellular memory", "energys", "kundalini powers" and stuff that ALL has something to to with the physical world and our physical body... You are starting to get in to the realms of physics and science and then you gotta be prepared to prove what you are talking about. You know what I mean? IF cells have a memory then you should be able to find that memory (or at least the function of that memory), shouldn't you? But you can't. The reason that new age fucks are using scientific terminology is for the same reason that people advocating "intelligent design" are trying to use it.

I, on the other hand would say that the mixture of science and religion is only to the detriment (spelling?) of faith. It destroys faith, it destroys the basis of religion. If God is proven, where is the free choice? I would argue that God is an evil fuck, and if his existence is proven I'll hate him even more (I'm a maltheist, you could say.), but that is another issue. I would also argue that to explain the divine in terms of science or in physical terms is to limit our understanding of the divine. We're dumbing it down.

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