You do notice that I am reading too much fantasy and lovecraft, don't you?
Am I making any sense? At all? Every time I try and talk I just end up with an enormous lump of sadness, regrett and hate in my throat and I just can't. In those moments I am absolutely convinced that I cant continue, partly because it is physically impossible and partly because if I do continue nothing good will come out.
I don't know about the hate, though... Maybe it is a lack of hate and anger. Maybe I'm just wishing for there to be hate. Maybe I'm fooling myself. I don't hate. I'm not that angry. Maybe I feel that I should be angry and hatefull. Maybe that is a part of the problem. Some kind of anticipated reaction that I am not having, and not having it makes me worried? Makes me wondering if it is there but hiding? I am trying so hard to always see things from some kind of objective view. Maybe I am not seeing myself? Or maybe there is nothing of myself to see? Maybe I see things right, but society have taught me to see things differently? I don't know.
Being alone screws me up. Too much time on my hands makes the problems grow in my mind. Maybe they should grow. Maybe I don't see them for what they are when I am not alone? But do I see them correctly when I am? I don't know. Right now I only know one thing, and that is how I don't want this to end, but how do I/we get there? I don't know. Right now I don't know anything.
Screw this. Time for coffe and books.
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