I'm starting to think it is option number 2.
Or maybe I just don't see them properly.
I just don't get it.
God, I want to be a beautiful soul. A beautiful person. I want to drop all this macho bullshit, all these expectations from everywhere, all this hate and anger and feeling of being less worth and just be a Good Human Being.
And I wish I could just get rid of this constant feeling of being found out, of being exposed. Of missing some detail that will show the world just exactely who I am. Who I think I am.
No, time to get dressed. The day is about to start. Unfortunately.
Oh, and I need tips. I like these shoes, or maybe rather the idea of these shoes. But does anyone have any options, alternatives or the like? Do? Don't? Opinions? There's something with them that doesn't really fit with me...

Do! Inga alternativ, tyvärr. Men dom är grymma och skulle visst passa dej.
Jo, jag gillar dom också. Kommer antagligen köpa dom. När jag är rik (eller rättare sagt har pengar öht.). Är det OK att låna pengar för att köpa skor?
En tävling utlyses härmed: den som hittar dom billigast får... Nånting. Vad vill ni ha? Jag kan fixa skivor och film billigt åt er.
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