In some ways (and this is selfish) I feel left by my parents. I feel like they just took of. Just left me. I feel like they felt a great relief when they didn't have to help me find a place to live, when they didn't have to help me out. Like they just took the easiest way out (they have more or less admitted it). And I know it isn't fair. I was over 20 when it happened, you know? I should be able do deal with my own life. And I didn't ask for help. Too proud and too ashamed, remember?
But still... That was when I started to feel separated from my family. And the rest of the world felt even worse. More alienated. More apart. Untouchable. Before that I felt like I could go out and spit the world in the eye for not liking me. It became harder after that. That, and a lot of other shit. Didn't have a home. Didn't have a safe haven. Sort of.

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